Website Policy

The domain name “” is currently registered under the current Division Director. In the event of a change in Division Directors, the outgoing director will transfer all rights and access to the domain registration to the incoming Director. The Deputy Division Director will also have access to transfer the domain name if the outgoing Director is unable. This will provide checks and balances regarding the access and ownership of the domain name.

The current host is leased from BlueHost. Daily / Monthly backups are not in place, therefore managed by each FIR ATM/DATM or Webmaster to keep costs down. VATCAR1/2/3 may create backups from time to time for continuity purposes. All FIRs are given One ( 1 ) FTP Account to access their files and site content. ATMs have the sole discretion of providing the details of the FTP Account to their DATM / Webmaster as long as the Webmaster is a part of the staff and a home controller. All FIRs are given Four ( 4 ) standard email addresses for staff. Additional can be requested within reason by contacting VATCAR2. All VATCAR FIRs are hosted on the same server to monitor a checks and balance and to ensure all coding/performance is up to standard. ALL coding/applications done by Members / Staff are the sole owners of VATCAR. All work is considered donated content.

Air Traffic Managers are able to pay for independent URL and hosting services for the respective facility. All email accounts shall remain via and any new facility URL shall end with a “.net” in an effort to remain in line with VATCAR and VATSIM.